In 1996 Purna had a vague idea about plant growing or permaculture. He was running a bar in Pokhara, living with his mates in a forest in a house with no electricity and stream water for everyday use, and was perfectly happy with his life. 

One day a Norwegian guy called Jack visited the bar and was curious to know how the guys lived. On visiting their home, he said it was permaculture in its purest form.  As he was a manager of a big organic farm in Norway, he was in search of a similar project in Nepal. Purna was keen to help him and two weeks later they both travelled to a farm near Indian border. The place and its methods fascinated Jack and transported Purna into a paradise. He couldn't have known yet but he was hooked for life.

Soon after, on Jack’s invitation Purna set off on his first journey to Europe where he spent three months working on an organic farm in Ramme Gard, Hvisten and travelling in West Europe.  After returning to Nepal, he was initially a researcher for an NGO then moved to working on creating community gardens to improve the diet of villagers. As part of the project, he was invited by the sponsors to study organic farming techniques in Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Gardens in Hong Kong. 

Twenty years later, after many detours and still with an idea that wouldn’t leave him alone, Garden in the Himalayas was started. A garden where native plants of Nepal are cultivated and hopefully young minds inspired.

June 2018

A word about the founder

Purna Gurung was born in Tanchok and a strong desire to give back to his community never left him. He's living in London since 2000 and has been running his gardening business- Lalupate Gardening  ( from 2007.

He belives that nature (and human spirit) has no boundries and what is saved and nourished in one part of the world will one day benefit the whole Mother Earth. Purna is a very practical enthusiastic man; a doer with a dream.  At this stage of growing the Garden, he needs your help.

With family, January 2020