You can make a difference!

this is how: 


Your donation allows us to take the project forward and sustain its steady development. Donations of £10 and more will get you a set of 7 beautiful postcards of Himalayan plants.

To donate in Nepal: SRBLNCKA 1101196205701001, Sunrise Bank

In UK: A/C no 80385273, sort code 601118 Natwest Bank

Your donation allows us to take the project forward and sustain its steady development.



You can be a hands-on volunteer or contribute your knowledge and skills. All forms of meaningful involvement will be hugely appreciated.

You can be a hands-on volunteer or contribute your knowledge and skills. All forms of meaningful involvement will be hugely appreciated.

join Plant hunting expedition

Not only you take part in an adventure of a lifetime but also donate to Garden in the Himalayas. 100% of the profit goes towards the project. A win- win situataion, no doubt!


stay in mahakaruna

While you're having a wonderful holiday in a lovely house with all modern cons and views to die for, 15% of the booking goes towards the project.


Tell your friends and family about the Garden in the Himalayas. Do you know someone who could share their knowledge and experience? Make an impact by connecting!

Tell your friends and family about the Garden in the Himalayas. Do you know someone who could share their knowledge and experience? Make an impact by connecting!